We here at CompletelyPizza.com write about pizza. In doing so, we talk about restaurants, menu's, pizza names, recipes and alot of other pizza stuff.
All information displayed on CompletelyPizza.com is strictly for entertainment purposes.
All trademarks belong to their respectful owners. Restaurant menu items are listed on CompletelyPizza.com but we can't guarantee accuracy of the items listed, nutritional information or prices of such items. We just report what we see, you know?
In no way are we responsible for, or have control over, the content of any external web site links.
We make every effort to assure the information on this Site is accurate, but there may errors or inaccuracies; we try to avoid those, but they do happen.
Please be aware that not all recipes on this Site have been tested by us. Visitors to this Site submit recipes and we share them. Since we have not tested each and every recipe, we can't guarantee the results from any recipe. We simply share recipes for fun.
We're not associated with Pizza Hut, Domino's, Papa John's or any of the other restaurants or brands mentioned on this site. We are in no way associated with them, nor do they endorse CompletelyPizza.com.
This site is meant to be fun. How can pizza not be? Most of all, we hope you get some enjoyment out of this site. Please send us comments, recipes, tips, or anything else pizza-related!
Thank you for visiting CompletelyPizza.com.